Monday, November 18, 2019

Confused?  A new way to find help!

 A new car seemed to be in my future.
Although I have been driving many years, I thought it would be good to check out the new options you can get.  The car came with about seven manuals!
Driving history…
Keep in mind that I have driven a “stick shift”… a RAM truck with a 16 foot horse trailer… and a mini motorcycle -  (spun out on a gravel road while wearing shorts… no damage except some scrapes to me and I was wiser).
Special features…
Anyway… after test driving a couple of cars I chose a cute red one.  The dealer set me up with voice recognition for my phone, etc. and I headed out to drive the hour or so to get home.
I’m still getting used to the beeping sound when I get near a line on the road and yes, I know I can turn it off.
The cruise control is fascinating because as I was following a semi I watched as my car automatically slowed down behind it and actually came to a stop a few feet behind the semi when it stopped… and I hadn’t touched the brake.  (Yes, I had my foot ready to do that!)
So I figured: we’re good.
Until I got home…
I parked the car and started turning off gauges.  Shifted into “Park”.  Turned off the ignition button.
But I didn’t dare get out!
I worried:
What if I hadn’t turned off everything and the car started rolling?  My mind raced.  Could I have missed something?
All of a sudden my eyes saw one of the “TV screens” on the dashboard.  It had information on it.   It said: ”Good bye”.  I could get out of the car!
After this I found the driving was good… but I wanted to figure out more of the options.   And I found I had accidentally canceled some and couldn’t get others to work.  (You knew I would do this,)
Frustrated because I was too far from the dealer to check in… and I didn’t know friends who had this info… I also searched on the internet… and I finally put an ad in the newspaper!  Under “Wanted”.   
My ad…
My ad  explained that I wanted help from someone with my type of car so I could learn from verbal instruction rather than just reading the manuals.  I also said that I was an 81 year old grandma who had bought a car that was good for “off roading” and although I didn’t plan to do that, I was leaving the streaks of mud on my car to make a good impression!
Help was coming!
I got four replies! One turned out to be from a friend I hadn’t seen in years.  We had a good time catching up on our lives… and she patiently “walked me through” some of the stuff.
But I also know that if I need help again I can contact Jenny, Sue, Kent or Tricia!

Thanks to you all!