Thursday, February 15, 2007

"Street Creds"
Sid has the reputation of being a cranky old man… but that looks like a smile on his face!
Maybe he just didn't want to mess with a “cranky old lady”!
From l-r: Sid Hartman, Rosie and Dave Mona.

Over 30 years ago, when I was working for another city newspaper, I asked to get in the press box at a Viking’s football game to write a feature story. I didn’t think that was asking much. It just looked like a good place to watch the game.
But I was turned down. Word got back to me that it was Sid Hartman’s press box so instead I would be given 50 yard line seats where I could write my story.
Now I figured this was strange – and I wondered what was going on up in the press box – but my husband kept begging me to take the 50 yard line seats!!!
It was fun there too.
So it was with interest that I noted the banquet speakers for the recent Minnesota Newspaper Convention were Sid Hartman and Dave Mona from their weekly WCCO radio show, Sports Huddle. And, because the Beacon editor is an avid Minnesota Twins baseball fan, I thought this would be my chance to impress him.
I didn’t know Sid, but Dave Mona is the “little” brother of my friend Judy who was a bridesmaid in my wedding! That was 46 years ago and it’s been even more years since we were 16 year old girls having a slumber party at the Mona’s. And we haven't seen each other for many years.
Well, after leaving three e-mails to Dave’s office and a phone message at his home and receiving no response whatsoever, I was getting pretty embarrassed!
Finally, right before the convention I received an e-mail from Dave explaining he had been out of town and agreed to meet.
At the banquet, I left the Cannon Falls Beacon staff’s table and threaded my way up to the head table, wondering if Dave would even remember me. To my surprise he got up and gave me one of the warmest hugs I’ve ever received!
I went back to the Beacon table and said, “Did you see? He hugged me!” They nodded and groaned, “Yes... we saw.” (I'm sure they were impressed.)
The friendly bantering between Dave and Sid seems the same off the air as on their show. Dave explained to the crowd, “Sid is one of the best friends I’ve got. We may disagree on certain things… but there is this camaraderie between the two of us.”
He continued, “The way the Sports Huddle works is that in 26 years, Sid thinks it’s a sports show and I think it’s a comedy show!” Basically, on the show you just hear Dave throw questions Sid’s way and after Sid tosses out his opinions it’s up to Dave to pick up the pieces and salve things over with the callers. You get the feeling that Sid looks at things from a pretty basic view…(his of course)… and you’d better not pretend you’re something you aren’t because he’ll tell you just what you really are!
Sid revealed, “One thing I can brag about… I know more people… I have more access to places… I know more about what’s going on than any other guy in sports.”
He added, there’s such a thing as trust in this business and being fair. Sid supports Brad Childress, Vikings coach. He feels so sorry for him… “he’s never been given a chance… but it all boils down to one thing… win…if you win they love you – if you lose it’s no good.”
And to me, Sid and Dave both win.