Saturday, January 6, 2007

“Ugly” holiday sweaters

vs. “Tacky” T-shirts!

Flashy holiday clothing… you know… those sweaters and vests that are festooned with decorations of reindeer, snowmen, bells and sequins?
This was the year that I actually had grown to feel fond of such fashions and even thought I might buy one. Of course in all the activities of the season I didn’t get around to doing that.
And that probably saved me from making a terrible fashion mistake according to some folks!

On the other hand, I love the soft fuzzy loose knit top I wore to all the Christmas celebrations I attended. I have no clue as to what it is called or if it’s “Retro” or “Vintage”. I bought it at a garage sale for $1. It was fun to wear but it might not have gotten the approval of the “fashion police” either.

Still, I was shocked to see an article in the big city newspaper describing the ever popular Christmas sweaters as “ugly”! They even have parties where everyone is supposed to wear this type of holiday knitwear to laugh at!
But I had just decided that they were kind of neat! At least they were interesting. They tell a story – upbeat and friendly. And if I was at a party where I didn’t know anybody I could at least spend the time reading the sweaters!

Now let’s compare these to some T-shirts and the slogans they publicize. Admittedly some of them are pretty awful.
But I like mine because usually they are free. (This tells you a lot about my fashion sense!)
For instance, because of my horses I have bought a lot of “wormer” over the years. So I not only have a free T-shirt advertising the brand, but a rain poncho and a cap. (I guess I have a coordinated outfit, right?)
One of the first T-shirts I got came when I won it for losing the most balls during a Cannon Falls Beacon golf tournament back in 1983. I’ve still got it.
Then there’s the T-shirt I got for completing the Goodhue County Sheriff’s Citizen’s Academy. It says: “Warrant Squad – ‘We Play Hide ‘N Seek’”.
Freeberg Insurance gave out one that simply says in large letters, “Cannon Falls” and their name in little letters underneath. That’s a good one when traveling and starting conversations.
The one I wear when working out was given me when I wrote up an outdoor exercise challenge. It says: “Operation Sweat ! Boot Camp ’06”. I’m hoping someone seeing it might think I’m tough!
So my clothes may not have fancy labels, but they do the job.
And maybe next year I’ll get around to checking out those “ugly” Christmasy decorated sweaters. Then why don’t we just have our own party! Sounds like fun!


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