Friday, September 29, 2017

                SURPRISE!  (OH NO!!!!!!!)

It was the opportunity to experience a different culture.  The 79 year old white-haired Grandma had just had her hair styled and hoped she looked pretty while enjoying a quiet birthday lunch.  Her grown-up children wanted her to cultivate new customs, they explained.
They found a restaurant during a trip to Minnesota and the food was delicious even though grandma had no idea what to expect!

The staff had been told that it was her birthday - although she would have preferred to be anonymous.
So when the servers showed up after the meal with a rather silly looking “birthday hat”, she gamely put it on and smiled.  And a large glass goblet with dessert was put in front of her while the staff sang “Happy Birthday”.
This sounds as if it’s going well... right?
                                        Oh Oh!
When the song was finished, one member of the staff quickly reached over the table and shoved a large slab of foamy substance onto her face! (It turned out to be whipping cream.)

Her immediate reaction was:  Is something bad happening?  Do I need to protect someone?

A cultural tradition?
Although shocked, grandma had to wonder if this was part of this culture’s tradition?
She accepted the pile of napkins the staff was giving her to clean off her face.
In confusion she tried to decide how to react.  
Apparently she was supposed to like this experience and laugh.
Instead, her daughter watched concernedly as grandma’s hand was inching toward the large glass goblet... with the possible intention of throwing it!
But instead, grandma decided to simply taste the sweet dessert... although feeling quiet desperation.

And why do this?
After leaving a nice tip - the original meal was good - grandma waited until her children had left the restaurant and quietly asked to talk with the manager.
Her idea was to find out if this was a tradition in their culture?  Because it wasn’t in hers.  This could be part of learning to know each other.  There are many new things they learn when coming to the U.S.
And maybe they could accept that this was not something everyone enjoys!
The manager said it wasn’t their culture’s tradition and he thought they could ask people next time.  

And so...
So how did I get this story?
I am the grandma.
I’m not mentioning the name of the restaurant because it’s really good and it looks like they will change their policy.  
I’ve probably done things I thought were fun that someone else might not have enjoyed as much as me!  And now my friends will probably keep whipping cream ready to spray me!
But I would still like to protect other “grandmas” who don’t want this surprise!  So if you run into a similar situation, please let me know.
And Happy Birthday to you too!  
(Yes, my son captured the whole scene on my iphone!  No...I don’t plan to put it on Youtube!)