Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Card Photo Shoot - not always "Merry"!

Christmas Card Photo Shoot 
- not always "Merry"!

  What kind of card should we choose this year?
I sure appreciate receiving beautiful cards with scenes of winter...  sparkly, reminiscent of old days...  etc.
  And also the pictures bringing me up to date on friends’ trips, their joyous occasions, etc.  Sometimes they share their griefs, which is hard, but very kind to those of us who don’t get to see them often.

Myself - having done over 50 years of picture cards - I wonder if I can stop?

On the one hand, I no longer have to try to get the children to smile at the camera when they would rather be doing just about anything else.  I remember when our son was two years old and we had taken way too many pictures trying to find one that would work. As a last resort I gave him a large marshmallow to eat... and the result was that he looked like he was smiling... we settled on that shot.

Now, with kids and grandkids living apart from us it’s not possible to get a group picture - unless you know how to do some work with your computer’s photo program.  

 In the past our cards have featured the Little Cannon River valley... in its pristine snowy splendor.  That also was the year my sister died and the beautiful wooded trails gave me comfort in a quiet gentle way.   Other years we featured the critters who have shared our farm with us... they are “family” too.

This year I was stumped as I looked over the pictures stored on my computer.  Nothing seemed to fit a Christmas Card.  
But for some reason I kept coming back to one picture... maybe it reminds me of the popular Duck Dynasty family on TV!  They seem to care about each other and have fun.  (Although I hope I personally never have to watch all those fellows with their beards eating spaghetti!  Not a happy thought!)

But while visiting one of our kids and their family, they decided to have a “photo booth shoot”.  This is where you put on outlandish costumes and get your picture taken.  Actually, I thought some of my regular clothes would probably have fit in just fine.
It took me a while to get in the swing of it.  Actually I was not just hesitant - I was a little crochety until I saw how much fun everyone else was having!

And we got some pictures taken.  Although I’m not allowed to put names in, I think you’ll recognize Grandpa and Grandma!

Will I use this family picture on our Christmas card?  Maybe.. or not!  But you can see the video on Youtube “Da Funny Family learns to dance!” or find it on

    And a very Merry Christmas - Happy Holidays - to you!