Friday, February 20, 2009

Did you hear the owl call?

The sounds of evening may be muffled as the sky pulls its covers of darkness across the horizon. The hoot of an owl or the rustling of dry stems of grass can be overlooked in a busy schedule as you hurry through chores.

Radio broadcasts can help pep up boring tasks. IPods featuring your favorite music or programs keep your attention.

It may seem more "natural" to be simultaneously e-mailing, internet researching, listening to music on an iPod, having the TV on in the background, texting on a cell phone and working on other projects.

But does technology control me… or do I control technology?

Lately I find myself yearning to hear the natural sounds of the woodlands. But even as I work outside I have to strain to listen for them. All that quiet space between their sounds can be discomforting.

Who knows how many sounds I’m missing because I don't recognize them. Or I have forgotten how.

And they move around... the owl may call from over here. The crackling sound of tree branches rubbing in the night breeze that startles the horses comes from over there.
All is harmonizing with the beat from the distant rumble of traffic from the highway miles away.

Then I wonder what affect electronic radio and TV waves have as they bombard our minds and bodies. These effects wouldn’t have been around for someone living in the 1800's.
What would those folks say and feel if they were visiting us today?

Maybe sometime in the future we will be able to “time travel”. Maybe we’ll take vacations into the past or do it to recuperate from some future “sonic” illness.

I would love to see some of the Old West… meet people in the history books or watch the Lewis & Clark expedition start off.

But I would probably only be comfortable for about 15 minutes! I have gotten used to a lot of present day conveniences.

On the other hand, should we in the 21st century pay more attention to the unique attributes that might only be found on this planet? And may not last for long.
If we don't learn to listen now, will we miss these earth sounds… or m
iss hearing another human being's heartfelt thoughts?

Will "listening" be a lost "art"?

Will we miss hearing the owl call?
