Thursday, April 17, 2008

Introducing "Flat Stanley"...

Flat Stanley is a paper cut-out that some elementary school students send on a trip.
He is flat so he fits nicely in an envelope.
He then travels around with the person receiving him.

Here is Flat Stanley's visit to Grandma and Grandpa on the farm in Minnesota.

Dear Emma,

Flat Stanley had a wonderful time visiting here. He has been fun to have around. He is kind of quiet but friendly.

He met Sparkle, the cat. All the animals are losing their winter furry coat. So they look pretty fuzzy.

Here are some of the things that Flat Stanley did with Grandma and Grandpa last week.

Friday March 28 through Friday April 4, 2008

Friday - Rested after arrival at Grandma and Grandpa’s ranch.

Saturday - Went to the AARP-IRS Tax Help volunteers session at the Stone House Apartments to help people with their taxes. Then the Work Out Center and the car wash.

Sunday - Went to the Work Out Center.

Monday - Went to the Work Out Center, played in the snow. Went to the Police Department for the flyers they had printed up for us, then the library to pick up a book, the drug store, the mall, the bank and stopped at an accident on the way home but the police were taking care of it.

Tuesday - Went to Park Street Apartments to help people with their income taxes, then visited the Stone House and went to the Work Out Center, visited the neighbor by the mill, the library and attended the Police Department Citizen’s Academy in the evening.

Wednesday - Went to the Work Out Center, then the Tack Store, the grocery store, the library and visited a church program in the community room of the library.

Thursday - Went to the Wangen Prairie Bible Study, and visited Red Wing, MN and Apple Valley, MN for shopping.

Friday - Went to a business promotional meeting and then home for another meeting.
Then Flat Stanley got to ride a horse.

Maybe Flat Stanley can come to visit with you sometime!

Love, Grandpa Paul and Grandma Rosie
