Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The National Figure Skating Championships being held in our state brought to mind...

A lesson in life...

from a little skater

“Keep going…keep going…”

The voice rang out in anguished desperation across the arena.
The spectators had gasped as the eight-year-old flying across the rink in the middle of her competitive routine had caught the blade on her skate and fallen face forward onto the ice.

Whether or not she heard her mother’s cry or the gasp of the crowd, the little skater got back up and with scratched and reddened knees and hands she finished her routine in style. Coming off the rink her face showed her disappointment.But she didn’t say anything.

She had never fallen in her previous competitions, her dad explained. Just that morning she had won first place in the compulsory requirements.

But now she had to sit and wait for the scores to be made public. Her grandma sat next to her and tried to encourage her by explaining that sometimes the judges don’t take a lot of points off for falls. Actually, the little skater knew a lot more about judging than her grandma but she just quietly listened. Maybe she could still get a medal of some kind.

Finally the results were posted. She had won first place!

This story is simply being told to encourage the rest of us.

Because sometimes in life your blade catches on the ice and you fall. And you may not hear that voice in the crowd yelling, “Get back up… keep going…!”

If you need someone to yell it to you – I’ll do it!
“Get back up… keep going!”

(Will you do it for me?)
