Sunday, April 1, 2007


Can’t help thinking about Kirby Puckett - Minnesota Twins Baseball star and symbol of encouragement and friendliness.

Kirby’s death at only 45 years probably got a lot of us to start thinking about “what’s going on here anyway?” He was way too young.Is that fair?

Now I remember back when I was a little kid complaining to my mother that she didn’t treat me fair compared with my sister. You have to know that my mother had been an orphan in World War I and then had come over to America all by herself. With that history in mind you can imagine that my complaint as a child who had a home and food for dinner didn’t get very far with her! But she did explain that I was not going to be treated the same as my sister and that life was not always “fair” and that’s that! (I don’t ever remember bringing it up again.)

But it feels like such a loss for the rest of us when we lose someone like Kirby.

And it’s seems like a loss for him that he didn’t get to take part in the growth that can come from living.I believe that I’ve probably learned more valuable lessons in life since I was 45 than before.And how far I need to go!

Many years ago a friend of mine was a supervisor in a nursing home and warned me to “get your issues solved before you get old because you don’t just automatically get nicer as you age. And when you are older you don’t have the will power to be nice when you don’t want to.”
That was discouraging.

Do you mean that I don’t automatically get to be that sweet little old lady that everybody loves?You mean that sweet little old lady was probably “sweet” before she got old?

I’m in trouble!

Photos courtesy of the Minnesota Twins