(Photos from Brian Robison and the Minnesota Vikings.)
Minnesota Vikings
Or so it seems to former Minnesota Vikings football player, Bob Lurtsema as he talks about Vikings Defensive End Brian Robison.
"Benchwarmer Bob"
could advise
could advise
"Blitz 'Em Brian"
He's copying me!Or so it seems to former Minnesota Vikings football player, Bob Lurtsema as he talks about Vikings Defensive End Brian Robison.
Benchwarmer Bob" Lurtsema, Vikings Defensive End 1972-76.
Lurts was a darned good player. But he is also remembered for his endearing commercials for Twin City Federal Bank (TCF). In these he showed his sense of humor when featured as "Benchwarmer Bob". He could kid about sitting on the bench instead of being out on the field playing.
Now it is reality that in pro football you don't always get to be the star. But Bob made that fact less embarrassing as we empathized with him in these commercials. They ran on the air for about 12 years and even showed Lurts being traded to Seattle. According to the commercial he didn't get to fly out there... he drove an old rusty pickup!
So how does this relate to present Vikings defensive end, Brian Robison?
As a rookie last year, Robison ended up being a starter. That looked pretty good for this year's season.

Until the Vikings hired Jared Allen as probably the highest paid defensive end in the league! And Robison got a taste of the sidelines again.
That brought a reminder of "Benchwarmer Bob", all right! And that brought the thought of updating those commercials by having the old "Benchwarmer" train in his successor!
But with one change... we'll leave the benchwarming to the fans and have Robison known as "Blitz 'Em Brian"!
So I contacted the Vice President and Director of Marketing at TCF and told him of my idea. He was kind enough to explain that they weren't running any TV commercials right now but may decide whether to add some next year.
So going back to writing my column, I asked folks for questions they would like to ask "Blitz 'Em" Brian.
Here they are:
Q: What’s the most surprising thing you have learned in your first two years in the NFL?
A: How hard it is to keep my mind off football when the game is over.
Q: Calls of “holding” appear to vary from ref to ref… do you believe that offensive linemen "hold" on just about every play?
A: Without a doubt.
Q: Do you think “trash talk” is effective?
A: It can be if it get's in your opponent's head.
Q: What kind of superstitions or rituals have you seen?
B: One of the guys has to hide his shoes under the training room table, before every game.
Q: Who is the biggest worrier about the games… you or your wife, Jayme?
A: Definitely Jayme.
Q: What’s the most surprising thing you have learned in your first two years in the NFL?
A: How hard it is to keep my mind off football when the game is over.
Q: Calls of “holding” appear to vary from ref to ref… do you believe that offensive linemen "hold" on just about every play?
A: Without a doubt.
Q: Do you think “trash talk” is effective?
A: It can be if it get's in your opponent's head.
Q: What kind of superstitions or rituals have you seen?
B: One of the guys has to hide his shoes under the training room table, before every game.
Q: Who is the biggest worrier about the games… you or your wife, Jayme?
A: Definitely Jayme.
Vikings Defensive End, Brian Robison and his wife, Jayme
who is a competitive barrel racer. She trains her horses in a stable near Cannon Falls.
who is a competitive barrel racer. She trains her horses in a stable near Cannon Falls.
Q: How do you wind down after a game?
A: Eat a good dinner and relax for the rest of the evening.
Q: How long does it take for you to stop hurting after a game?
A: About a day and a half.
A: Eat a good dinner and relax for the rest of the evening.
Q: How long does it take for you to stop hurting after a game?
A: About a day and a half.
Q: In the off season, where do you live?
A: We have a ranch in Texas.
A: We have a ranch in Texas.
Brian's dog, Sadie, shows her preference is for #96 of the Minnesota Vikings.
Now whether "Benchwarmer Bob" ever gets "Blitz 'Em Brian" trained or not...
it's been fun to think of these two Vikings as part of a sport that has fascinated so many people all these years.
it's been fun to think of these two Vikings as part of a sport that has fascinated so many people all these years.