Friday, November 7, 2008

A promise kept... (when reminded!)

My favorite

little Halloween story

This story was featured on Fm 107's morning radio show with Ian and Margery Punnett. Since they were touched by it, I thought you might enjoy it too.
I know I still do... whenever I recall the moment that tested honesty and revealed kindness.


Many years ago when living up in the suburbs, my children, who were around 5 and 3 years old and I tried to raise pumpkins in our garden.

During the summer, the neighborhood "big" kids had been looking them over. I figured the pumpkins might disappear so I talked to the kids and said, "If you like, when Halloween comes you can choose one."
They agreed and the garden was untouched.

Halloween came around and I saw that the pumpkin patch had only produced three pumpkins.
Two were very small.
Only one was nice.

Since I had long since forgotten my promise, my two little tykes and I were starting to carve up the large one when the "big kids" showed up looking for their pumpkin.
Well, my children looked up at me with sad questioning eyes and I explained, "I promised."
And so the big pumpkin was taken away.

We proceeded to carve a little one and put it outside our front door that Halloween night. It looked a little sad and lonely out there.

When my children were ready to go out Trick or Treating we heard the doorbell ring.
When we opened it - there was no one there.
BUT, on the steps, next to our little pumpkin was a beautifully carved big pumpkin!

I think all of us involved learned some nice lessons about keeping promises, even if it hurts, and how to be considerate and kind.

Those "big" kids are all grown up now but I still smile when I think of them and this story.

Thanks kids!
