Guest Columnist:
Smokey T. (The) Cat...
"Stupid Human Tricks!"
One of the late night TV talk shows features "Stupid Dog Tricks". They’re kind of an “Everyman” or “Everydog” feature showing the dumb things that animals can do that bring a smile to your face.
But have you ever thought that we animals might have a similar program when we get together? We call it “Stupid Human Tricks”!
And I (humble barn cat though I am - although I’ve never seen a cat that thought themselves “humble”) have one that would make it!
You see, I have a routine when I see it’s dinner time. Here’s how it goes: I sleep in the hay mow in the barn. (Yes I have a heated pad but I can nestle better in the hay.)
From there I watch from my perch as the horses get fed. And when that’s finished I know my owner is heading back to the house where my food is kept under the deck. And I am off and running.
My route goes from the barn... across the yard... behind the bushes... leaping onto the steps... then under the windows... jump to the top of the dog house... and then fly to the picnic table stored under the deck and hop over to the wood pile where my dish is kept.
No trick here yet.
The clue is that the feed bin is between the dog house and the picnic table. The trick is that the I am usually in hiding. And my owner has no idea when I will pounce!
And she, poor dear, does not know if I will miss her in my flying leap or WHAP! she’s been hit by a flying fur ball!
But if you look quick you’ll see me sitting calmly by my dish waiting for this “stupid human trick” to get over and I can eat!