“Everything’s not about money!” said Charlene Underwood as she explained her prices (or rather no prices) at her recent garage sale. She said she had just gotten tired of moving the children’s outgrown clothing and toys and knicknacks around!
And she remembered how tough it was years ago when she was raising her children and didn’t have enough money to buy them toys. She would have appreciated getting some free ones.
Charlene also recalled that for the past two years she had asked her husband, Bob, to bring these things to a thrift store. But he just didn’t get around to it.
Last week she heard how nice the weather was going to be and decided that some of her spring housecleaning could just end up on the front yard.
Baby toys, car seat, play pen, stroller, bird cages, wall hangings, tea pot, ceramics, piles of clothing, shoes, cooking utensils, movie tapes, etc. all went out on display.
She put a sign out on the county road.
The first couple of shoppers explained that they were planning on sending the clothes they found here to missions. Charlene was pleased at the thought.

And she’s pleased at the space she has cleared out in her house
during this year’s Spring Cleaning "No-Sale - Giveaway" Garage Sale".