“Drug” or “Treatment” Court
planned to address
growing drug problem
in Goodhue County
By Rosie Schluter

The proposal of a Drug or Treatment Court is being presented for a grant for financing. O’Keefe’s information stated that these courts are highly effective in lowering recidivism rates, lowering costs to the county and increasing positive outcome.
It proposes to be a practical way to work with the problems that people are dealing with in their lives. For example, they may have issues with their job… or not having a job… or their family and friends… or mental health issues… etc.
Some people need more help or supervision to manage their issues, O’Keefe explained.
The answer may be having a new type of court program. Begun in 1989 in Miami, Florida it may be called a Problem Solving or Treatment court or just a Drug Court.
Purpose of the proposed court…
The purpose is to stop the cycle of drug use. Participants relate more closely to the judge and collaborate with other professionals in the field and the community.
The number of controlled substance crimes is astounding. It’s grown from 75 in 2010 to 313 in 2017. Seventy-three percent in 2017 involved methamphetamines.
According to the information given by O’Keefe, the problem not only affects the person under the influence but the result is that most of the children placed outside their homes are cases involving substance abuse.
Also, more than 80% of crimes committed are drug or alcohol related.
So what about treatment? It appears that 3/4 of those referred to treatment either never enter or leave early.
The standard method of handling drug prosecution is to: arrest - charge - prosecute - sentence - and then have probation.
The problem with this approach is that the process can take a long time. It may be several months after the conviction that the person meets with an agent.
It may not be individualized - or as intensive - as some offenders need.
It may be slow to respond and adversarial in approach.
A new approach…
The new approach of a drug or treatment court will try to deal more effectively with other struggles the person may be having. Like employment, housing, transportation, family, positive activities and mental health issues.
Drug or Treatment Courts more closely monitor the defendant’s progress through ongoing treatment, frequent drug testing, regular mandatory check-in court appearances and other incentives to encourage change.
This means that the judge collaborates with other traditional court related personnel… like prosecutors, defense counsel, treatment providers, probation officers, law enforcement, educational and vocational experts, community leaders, etc.
The team approach involves community support with long term treatment, housing, employment, transportation, family, pro-social activities and co-occuring disorders.
The Treatment Court can differentiate on different problems being targeted. Goodhue County is seeking one for adult drug offenders residing in Goodhue County. This includes high risk/high need and repeat offenders. Also non-violent offenders.
A grandmother in the audience shared her anguish when seeing her grandson on drugs.
Representatives from different organizations were at the meeting like Common Ground, outpatient treatment services in Red Wing area and Angela Sedlicek, outreach representative from the office of second district congressman Jason Lewis.